june 12th
the day we have been anticipating for the last six months.
i sent dylan off this morning to take a very important test that will determine many things for our future.
so much has gone into this test:
countless hours of studying (i'm talking at least 12 hours a day, six days a week for six months)
a priesthood blessing from his father
many prayers
$600 (that's how much it costs to take the dang thing!)
words of encouragement, love and more prayers from loved ones.
today i feel happy, content and so full of love for my husband and for all who have loved us.
while dylan tested for eight hours clementine and i had no trouble enjoying ourselves…
i am really loving the stage clementine is in right now.
today she is exactly nine months old and her darling little personality is starting to really show through.
one of my favorite things that she does is scrunch up her entire face and grin. it's like she's trying to smile with every muscle in her face.
it kind of looks like this…
but even more exaggerated. i need to try and get a picture of it.
i love when major stressors like that are over...yay! and your little one is beyond darling! xo