mother's day was very sweet and simple this year.
dylan took most of saturday off, and we went off the island and did a little shopping and got dinner.
it was so great to just spend time together. with step 1 being a month away (wahoo!) he is busier than ever before.
on mother's day, dylan made a delicious dinner and wrote me the sweetest note.
i felt very loved and blessed all day.
womanhood is truly amazing, isn't it? the feelings i have about motherhood and womanhood are very deep and hard to articulate into words. i love being a woman. and i deeply cherish the relationships i have with other women. they inspire, lift, and encourage me. i am extremely grateful for my mom, sisters and sister in-laws, mother in law, nieces and cousins and my dear friends.
while i was pregnant with clementine, i was so sick, afraid and lonely. i remember laying in bed thinking, "i just want a nurturer. i want a woman here by my side to comfort me." nobody can comfort like a mother and woman can. when women would touch my pregnant belly i remember loving the way it felt and when i looked into the eyes of another sister, i would feel a special bond and love. it is hard for me to explain the draw i had towards women while i was pregnant, but it was real and deep.
^^clementine was pulling the goofiest faces while we were outside!
^^ my favorite face.
^^i love this picture of reuben and dylan. we bumped into reuben on our way home and i had to snatch a picture. they look like a little couple with their child ;)
So many fun photos with this post. I also find your tender feelings about women lovely. I think that was the reason I sought a female OBGYN. Something just sweet and reassuring about women helping each other in a kind and caring way. I love you sis. xox